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portada The Arabs: On the Brink of the Grave (en Inglés)
Libro Físico
N° páginas
Tapa Blanda
22.9 x 15.2 x 1.0 cm
0.25 kg.

The Arabs: On the Brink of the Grave (en Inglés)

Atif Yusuf (Autor) · Rosedog Books · Tapa Blanda

The Arabs: On the Brink of the Grave (en Inglés) - Yusuf, Atif

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$ 32.032

$ 53.387

Ahorras: $ 21.355

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  • Estado: Nuevo
Origen: Estados Unidos (Costos de importación incluídos en el precio)
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Reseña del libro "The Arabs: On the Brink of the Grave (en Inglés)"

This book is an honest objective presentation of the causes of the Arab calamities and social destruction. The author touches on countless areas of Arab struggle. His analytical approach of the Arab plight is presented with the purity and uprightness of character. His criticism of the Arab rulers is free from misrepresentation. The absurdity of the Arab governing system is presented without distortion or falsification. The erroneous governing system of the Arab rulers is tackled with strong mental powers disciplined by thoughtfulness. The author's intellect demonstrates extensive knowledge of the Arab idiocy in foreign politics. He exposed the falsehood of the Arab rulers and tested their setback by the doctrines of the Quran as a sole path for salvation. The clearness and power with which the writer presented the drawbacks of the Arab rulers convinces the readers' understanding and the author's fervor touches their hearts. Publicity Release The author advances a winning eloquence combined with the purity and uprightness of character. He has a commanding narrative style that grabs attention easily. His words are free from pride, and misrepresentation. The eloquence of the writer and the smoothness of his expression captivate the reader and his fervor touches their hearts. The idiocy, treason, and plundering of the Arab rulers are incisively exposed. Without passion or excitement the author has tested human theories and religious doctrines by the Quran. Through a sound knowledge of the Arab mentality and the faith of Islam, the author contests the errors of the Arab ruling systems and exposes the deception of the Arab rulers. Earnest are the efforts the author put forth to draw away the Arab minds from corruption and ungodly lusts. About the Author Dr. Atif Yusuf is a retired professor. He earned his PhD from University of Houston, TX. As a professor he worked for over 32 years in many US and Middle Eastern universities. The most recent position he held before retirement was "education development consultant" and "education quality-assurance advisor". He published several books on theoretical linguistics, translation art, and foreign language acquisition. Socio politics is his main passion of research interest.

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Todos los libros de nuestro catálogo son Originales.
El libro está escrito en Inglés.
La encuadernación de esta edición es Tapa Blanda.

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