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Soledad Puértolas · ANAGRAMA

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Reseña del libro

Sobre el trasfondo frivolo del Madrid moderno, dibujado con trazos agiles y no precisamente compasivos, en esta novela se relata el paso de la adolescencia a la madurez de un joven que ha crecido en dos ambientes familiares opuestos. Enfrentado al vertigo de variadas experiencias, sin conseguir encontrar su lugar, el narrador acabara aprendiendo que tal vez lo cuerdo, lo conveniente, la unica forma de vivir, sea, a fin de cuentas, enganarse a uno mismo, mentir. Quien vive miente, aunque, de uno u otro modo, todos viven, todos sucumben, todos mienten. / Before the frivolous backdrop of modern Madrid, drawn with nimble and not exactly compassionate strokes, this novel tells the story of the passing from adolescence to maturity of a young man who has grown up in two very different family environments. Confronted with the vertigo of such varied experiences, and without having found his place, the narrator will learn that the rational, convenient, and perhaps the only way to live is, in the end, by tricking yourself, by lying. He who lives, lies, although in one way or another, everyone lives, everyone succumbs, everyone lies.

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