La Gestión del Aula de Español, Desafíos y Actuaciones (Cuadernos de Didáctica)

BegoÑA Montmany; Geni Alonso; Jaume Muntal; Marta GonzÁLez; MarÍA Cabot Cardoso; Anna MÉNdez; Carmen Soriano Escolar; Mila SÁNchez; Amanda Canals; Susana Ortiz PÉRez; Sonia Eusebio; Anabel De Dios; Juan De Dios L& · Difusion Centro De Investigacion Y Publicaciones De Idiomas S.L.

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Cuadernos de didáctica is a collection aimed at training teachers of Spanish as a foreign language and has been produced as a partnership between International House and Difusión. It is, without doubt, a useful and rewarding book for any teacher of Spanish as a foreign language.This title in the collection is made up of the following sections:SECTION I- CLASSROOMSSECTION II: SITUATIONS AND DYNAMICSSECTION III: STUDENTSSECTION IV: TEACHERSSECTION V: RESOURCES AND ENVIRONMENTS

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