Dogster El Origen

Martinez Barnuevo · B DE BLOK

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El mundo esta expectante, cientos de camaras observan a Rodolfo, un cientifico que se dispone a dotar de habla a su mascota. Sin embargo, algo sale mal y se produce una explosion en el laboratorio. Algo ha caido dentro de maquina y se ha fusionado con el perro de Rodolfo. Lo que sea que se haya formado sale disparado como un meteorito y desaparece en el horizonte. La carrera de Rodolfo y todo su prestigio se han ido al traste y no hay nada que se pueda hacer para recuperarlo. O quizas si? / The world is waiting, hundreds of cameras observe Rodolfo, a scientist who is about to make his pet talk. Something goes wrong and there is an explosion in the laboratory. Something has fallen into the machine and merged with Rodolfos dog. Whatever that was formed shoots as a meteor and disappears into the horizon. Rodolfo's career and all his prestige were ruined and there is nothing he can do to get them back. Or maybe is there?

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