Cómo Aprendí a Verme Bonita / How I Learned to See Myself Beautiful

Caparrós, Berta · Montena

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«ME VEO BONITA porque me he perdonado. He dejado de culpabilizarme por haber tratado mal a mi cuerpo, por haberme dedicado palabras de reproche. Me he prometido quererme y cuidarme como a la persona más importante de mi vida . Cuando vivimos un hecho traumático, no podemos imaginar cómo van a responder nuestro cuerpo y nuestro cerebro. Berta Caparrós poco a poco descubrió que, para sanar, tenía que aprender a quererse. Una historia transformadora sobre el poder de la autoestimaENGLISH DESCRIPTION "I SEE MYSELF BEAUTIFUL NOW because I have forgiven myself. I have stopped blaming myself for mistreating my body, for having used judgmental and critical words towards myself. I have promised to love and care for myself as if I were the most important person in my life." When we experience a traumatic event, we cannot imagine how our body and our brain will respond. Berta Caparrós slowly realized that in order to heal, she had to learn to love herself. A transformative story about the power of self-esteem.

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