Balada de Perros Muertos

Leon, Gregorio · Nowtilus

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En el desierto mexicano de Perros Muertos, junto a la frontera con Estados Unidos, han aparecido varias niA as asesinadas. Sus restos mutilados forman un gran puzzle macabro de violaciones y torturas, cuyas piezas, el comisario Padura, presionado por una enigmA tica pintora, deberA desenterrar. En un medio en cual el narcotrA fico impone su ley, El emprenderA un camino sin retorno hacia la perdicion, hacia aquel lugar en el que la sangre siempre es la bilis del corazon.In the Mexican desert of Perros Muertos near the US border, the bodies of various murdered young girls are found. Their mutilated remains form part of a macabre puzzle of rape and torture, the pieces of which police chief Padura under pressure from a mysterious painter must put together. In an environment in which drug cartels are the law, Padura must start a path to ruin without return towards that place where blood is the bile of the heart. Gregorio Leon manages to construct not only an impeccable work in the use of the Mexican expression, but a solid and well-structured novel marked by an agile and thrilling style that makes reading impossible to stop, except for a brief moment of held breath as the reader contemplates the terrible and dark reality presented in the book."

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