Afghan Crochet Projects: Learn to Crochet Fun & Easy Afghan Projects (en Inglés)

Taylor, Elizabeth · Createspace Independent Publishing Platform

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Have you ever wanted to crochet Afghan or throw but felt like it was too big of a job? Do you think it's impossible for a beginner to put together something so big? Would you like to create a special and meaningful gift for someone? With this book, we'll teach you the basics of crocheting and guide you through making your very first Afghan. We'll start you off with the history of both crafts and a simple how-to guide on the basics. Once you've mastered those, you're ready to get started! Ever wonder where the term Afghan comes from? We'll cover the equipment you'll need and then show you with clear and simple instructions and illustrations the stitches and techniques you need to create a beautiful heirloom Afghan. Inside you will find a review of the main crochet stitches and materials often used in crochet projects, in case you are new to the craft, or are looking for a refresher. We've included several easy Afghan and throw patterns perfect for the beginner. Ready to move on from there? You'll find some challenging patterns as well. Even if you've never picked up a crochet hook or knitting needle before you will be able to crochet or knit your very own Afghan and throw by the time you finish this book. Complete with illustrations we'll guide you through the basics and help you discover how to make your very own Afghan. This is the perfect book for any beginner or novice crocheter or knitter wanting to create their very first Afghan. Comments From Other Readers "I've been crocheting for years. My 12 year old wanted to learn and I thought a blanket would be a good way to start her out. This book provides fresh patterns and projects that are perfect for new and advanced crocheters and knitters. It is a beginner-friendly that allows the crafter to build skills and confidence. It contains easy-to-follow instructions that are clear enough to make amazing stitches. I would recommend it to anyone!" - Kelli (Manitoba, Canada) "My Grandmother used to always make beautiful afghans for me and I was always regretting not learning from her. I was so happy to find this ebook! I'm working on an afghan right now and seeing some great progress. The instructions are clearly written and are very helpful. This ebook is ideal for anyone that wants a beginner guide to this traditional craft. I loved that it included both crocheting and knitting! I think my Grandmother would be proud!" - Emma (New York, USA) Tags: homemade, yarn, crochet, beginners crochet, Christmas, holiday, winter, knit, Crocheting, Crochet, Afghan, knitting, one day crocheting, Christmas projects, Crochet Projects, Christmas Gifts, DIY gifts, crochet afghan, afghan crochet projects, how to crochet, needlework, knitting, cross-stitching, one day projects, one day crochet, afghans, throws, blankets, DIY crochet

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